Wednesday 4 November 2009

Vampires, Art and Oinksip

My anxiety management group told me I need to focus on things I like. Or good things that happen to me. Shame they kind of don't, but it's just my fault. Karma doesn't like. I don't like karma.


I keep telling people about a film I saw recently called Vampire Diary (Not Vampire Diaries) made in Britain. It's a non commercial film about London 'vampire' culture and well I must say it is one of my favourite vampire movies, kind of realistic but at the same time does create the sexual fantasy thing that we all love about being bitten etc. And I think I developed a crush on Anna Walton.

music video here

 (oh and I fell in love with Rita Lynch)

I also recieved my Japanese Goth book by Tiffany Godoy and Ivan Vartanian.


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It contains images and pieces or artists and designers like The Stars Shine Bright, Kira Imai, Toru Kamei, Mari Shimizu, Katan Amano

I would love to own some pieces from Alice and the Pirates collection by Baby The Stars Shine Bright.
*Sigh* If only I lived somewhere closer to Japan....

This is so haunting and pretty at the same time, makes me shiver. Would love to have one of Toru Kamei pictures on my livingroom wall. Brrrr...pretty....

Mari Shimizu makes these really really creepy beautiful dolls. Wouldnt not have one in my house (scared of anything to do with them after seeing so many Ventriloquist doll horror movies etc.) but it still fascinates me to bits. Mmm.

Other than that nothing really made me feel better, I am dying from a cold, can't eat anything till tomorrow because of stupid blood test and a craving for Strawberry Vanilla tea just kicked in.

Damn those stupid colds.

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