Friday 27 November 2009

I think I should die just about right now.

Ok, before I forget completely I still have to write about:

S. Darko

At some point.
Just now its too weirds and painful, tripping on a sleeping tea my boyfriend made, surprised I can even type this. Still no sleep tho. Hm... Some dude from call centre called me this morning asking for me in my fake name. Confusing,... I thought I put a fake number too. Apparently last night when I was trying to access a web site for stuff my real number seemed fake. Oh well, I think I'm retarded.

Didi: Stu, what are you doing?

Stu: Making chocolate pudding.

Didi: It’s four o’clock in the morning! Why on earth are you making chocolate pudding?

Stu: Because I’ve lost control of my life.


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