Tuesday 24 August 2010

lovely things

pretty pretty houses

me want this room
purrrrrrfect summer dress
purrrfect cabaret skirt

geekin' out

Sunday 22 August 2010

p- i want to smoke your soul.
 - how romantic.

Monday 16 August 2010

'to bake' list

I found this fantastic www.bakerella.com website.The lady who makes this is so amazing!

1. http://www.bakerella.com/cheesecake-bars/
2. http://www.bakerella.com/fourteen-for-the-fourteenth/
3. http://www.bakerella.com/super-eazy-no-fuss-just-fizzy/
4. http://www.bakerella.com/pillow-cookies/
5. http://www.bakerella.com/brownie-candy-cups/
6. http://www.bakerella.com/swirls/
7. http://www.blokeswhobake.co.nz/tan-square/

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Hippy/Bohemian/Restro house inspirations

 Ok, so I'm going a bit hyper about moving.
These are a couple of inspirations for my new home.
I want everything to be hand made, hand decorated etc.
Real home that will have my soul to it. Mmm....

awesome shelf above bed.

Ahhhhh....the lanterns.

This looks so perfect...

and this would be so effin ideal!
except no tv. i don't want a tv.


Thursday 29 July 2010

an end with a brighter note today

shoe porn

This looks sooooooo cool.


my lady crushes

the best vampire movie ever "The Vampire Diary"

 Is this the most beautiful face or what?....

Yes, please

(Ophelia in Heaven)

bonsai cemetery

Since my love is the awesomest person in the world, when we move he's going to make me lots of bonsai cemeteries.

Since I'm a freak I think that's gonna be awesome.

cat naps and cat houses

*sigh* I'm gonna attempt and make something like this for my kitty. 
Oh yeah, me and my man are getting a pussycat, yay! will adopt one when I come back from my holiday.
My name of choice is Whisky.
His name of choice is Cunto...
I think we're both twisted in a similar way.

love and not notes